
Showing posts from June, 2012

Let's Meet Our New Friend from Hospitality Club! :D

Today Elita(my college friend) & I met a new friend from Hospitality Club, her name is Riris. Just so you know she is really a great woman.   Finally.. I'm glad to meet her today!  When we met she told us about her experiences of traveling and showing some pictures and also buy us a drink. She taught us to not only dream but to make it a reality.  She is really nice and inspires us a lot to travel.  I hope I can meet more of inspiring peopl e and do my own travel soon. :) Riris, Elita, & I

Zoo :)

Next week I have exams so I think I need to relax my mind. So today I went to the Zoo with my girl friends. I hope you can enjoy some pictures that I took there. It is located at Ragunan, we only have to pay Rp.4.000,. not even close to a dollar.  :P Heaven of Cranes The Sumatran Elephant The Famous Komodo Dragon Borneo(Kalimantan) Orangutan White Python   Peacock Blue Rangau Tong-Tong (I don't know the name in English) Elang Bondol (I don't know the name in English)


Today I ate Pecel. Pecel is one of the culinary heritage of Indonesia is made ​​from vegetables and served with the peanut sauce. Pecel usually made from vegetable stew of spinach, bean sprouts, green beans, and cucumbers or other vegetables and served with doused of sambal pecel (peanut sauce). Pecel has become my favorite food, cause it's healthy, cheap and yummy. It cost only a $1.  :) And we can also add rice and fried when we eat it.