
Rewriting My Legacy

It's been 6 years since the last time I wrote my last post. Wuh~  I feel so proud of the young me and I just thought hmm...I was pretty good at giving my point on this blog. Pretty sharp! Well, now I'm a 30 years old female. I feel slightly old. LOL.. Anyway I kind of regret it that I wasn't able to write some posts 6 years ago. I simply forgot that I have a blog and I forgot which e-mail and password that I used to use. Anyway, I'll do my best from now on to write better and share moments here. Let's start with some information update. I am 30 years old now..I have mentioned about it earlier. How it feels like being 30 years old. Alot of things have changed. My body (I used to be pretty, cute, and positive haha just kidding) now I kind of feel like I'm mature, more serious about things, and I gain so much weight.'s still concider average/normal weight based on BMI but my stamina is so much lower these days. And the second update is that I am marrie

Handmade Crafts

I have a new friend from German. He is a nice man. I enjoy our chats, despite our age  differences, languages, and cultures, I really like being friends with him. He is almost healed from a surgery, he was working in elderly house but stopped ever since his arm badly had injured.  So I would love to make some of presents for him and his wife. These are some of the pictures that I have taken. A pop art postcard and crochets bracelets made by me. I have sent them to him. And I am glad he already received them and very happy about it.

Late Post - Traveling

I want to share some of the pictures I took awhile ago. I have been to Bali (in Indonesia), Malaysia, and Singapore on 2014, and  Anyer beach (4 hours from the capital city of  Jakarta, in Indonesia) on early 2015. I like traveling, I enjoy seeing things. New things. So here it is some of the pictures that I could find on my cellphone. at Anyer beach, 2015 at Tanah Lot, Bali, 2014 at Kuta Beach, Bali, 2014 at Bedugul, Bali, 2014 Enjoying breakfast at HJH Maimunah Restaurant & Catering at Pisang Rd., Singapore, 2014.  (I went to Singapore with my mom's coworkers and they are moeslems so it's important to them to get Halal food. And in HJH Maimunah, they are all Halal.) The other picture I was at Sentosa Island/Merlion Park. Unfortunately I could not trace the photos that I took when I went to Malaysia. That's to bad.

My Bucket Lists

Run my own bussiness (still don't know yet what kind of bussiness) Being able to swim (I's never too late to learn right?) Be someone's mentor Make a book Learn to Sew, Quilt, Bake, Gardening.

Things I Enjoy To Do

Do you have a hobby or things that you enjoy to do? I have some. Don't you think it's very nice to do the things you enjoy the most, and even better when your hobby could possibly make someone's life a little better. Here are the lists of the things I enjoy to do. I like to make accesories from wire, it's really fun to create a long plain wire into something different like a ring, bracelet, and even a pair of earrings. You can use your imagination and it's always nice to see it when it's done. I collected some postcards, I know for a 24 years old lady this hobby is kind of odd but I really love it! So far I have collected 6 postcards from Czech Republic, Malaysia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, and Romania. I was so excited when the mailman came. One of the women who had received a postcard from me, she told me that the postcard was her favorite that she was looking for that kind of postcard whole her life. Really nice huh?  :-D If you want to get some

Why I Made This Blog

It's been a while since the last time I posting on my blog. I made this blog because I know my life as a human is so short but I don't want to live this world with nothing to give but all of me. I want to share my love, support, and knowledge through this blog. Though I'm still young, I hope what I'm doing here somehow could give you inspiration. Pardon my English, I'm not a native English speaker but I'll try my best. Have a nice day! Love, An :)

Different But We Complete Each Other

A few weeks ago I learned how to play guitar. Thankfully Christa my very good friend patiently taught me how. I like to try everything new. I don't have difficulty memorizing chords, but it's difficult for me to play barre chords. I need a good technique to playing it well. But since it's holiday I stop practising because I don't have guitar, and she is busy. It is fun to learn new things, yesterday I asked my brother to teach me Pencak Silat/Silat(Self Defense Techniques) too. I like it. My friend and my brother are good teachers. I think everyone has their own talents at something. Whole these things remind me some Bible verses. We are definitely different but we can share whatever we have, our talents, time, energy, smile, love. Let's do whatever we can cheerfully and embrace our differences. Never stop improving ourselves.  :-D We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to


I had opportunity to travel to Padang on May 2013. I had a great time there. You can see a beautiful lake, beach, hills, mountain, waterfall, traditional house at one province. Awesome! Maybe you want to visit this place too. :-) A Lake & Rice Fields at Tanjung Raya  The Beach name is Pantai Air Manis which means Sweet Water Beach. Well, I didn't taste the water at that time but I can smell the water was very sweet. That was weird but also amazing.  Hills at Matur  Traditional House (Rumah Gadang/Gadang House) at Padang Panjang Barat  Traditional House (Rumah Gadang/Gadang House) at Padang Panjang Barat  A waterfall on the back, Sorry I blocked the T__T This photo taken at Kayu Tanam  The stone that I touched looks like human, right? there was a legend about this stone. Long time ago there was a boy who traveling so far away and became rich but when he went home to his hometown he feel ashamed of his old mother. So disappointed of

My First Day as a Teacher :)

Yesterday I went to "The Jungle" (it's actually a pool) with the kids and their parents from our local church. I took some pictures, it was my first day as a training teacher. Yes I was very excited. I love kids! well actually I get along very well with kids. I always know that my passion is to teach. I love being around the I know why Jesus loves them very much. They are so alive! they like to know everything and learned new things and they always full of excitement. I hope I can be a good teacher for them. I will learn so much from them too. My senior, another training teacher, &The Kids  Noel (one of my students) & I

My Lullaby

I keep coming back Coming back to You I keep coming back Coming back to You Love is You And I love You I need You And I want You So I keep coming back Coming back to You I'm forever Yours