
Showing posts from December, 2011

Small Stuff Favorite

Today I'm gonna show you just random stuff. I do really love them, they mean a lot to me. It's not because of the price but it was because of who gave it to me. My mom. :) Mirror I take this mirror with me whenever I go outside. hehe.. I just love it, cuz it's small and beautiful. Fluffy Sandals These sandals are very comfortable to wear, I just love to wear it at home.

Just Another Day

Today I went out again with my friend, Megami. But before we went out we had a class. So, first I wanna show you some pictures of my Univ. The University  And I wanna show you a food in our canteen, this was soto, you should try it. It's only USD $1. Soto Ayam The color of this soto supposed to be clear, but i asked to change the sauce with Soto Daging sauce. So the color became like this. Soto Ayam ingredients: chicken,  vermicelli, egg, tomatoes, fried onions,  leeks,   potatoes ,   and   sprouts . Usually we eat soto with rice and also fried onions on top, sure with crackers too. We are Indonesians love crackers. Rice with Fried Onions & Crackers. Sauce & Slice of Lemon. After that we're going to Pejaten Village, there was a shelter for stray dogs and cats. We're intended to see dogs , cause I wanna adopt one. But unfortunately it's Thursday, the guard told me that we're not allowed to come in and he said that we can come to visit on Saturday or S