Just Another Day

Today I went out again with my friend, Megami. But before we went out we had a class. So, first I wanna show you some pictures of my Univ.

The University

 And I wanna show you a food in our canteen, this was soto, you should try it. It's only USD $1.
Soto Ayam
The color of this soto supposed to be clear, but i asked to change the sauce with Soto Daging sauce. So the color became like this. Soto Ayam ingredients: chicken, vermicelli, egg, tomatoes, fried onions, leeks, potatoes, and sprouts.

Usually we eat soto with rice and also fried onions on top, sure with crackers too. We are Indonesians love crackers.
Rice with Fried Onions & Crackers.
Sauce & Slice of Lemon.

After that we're going to Pejaten Village, there was a shelter for stray dogs and cats. We're intended to see dogs , cause I wanna adopt one. But unfortunately it's Thursday, the guard told me that we're not allowed to come in and he said that we can come to visit on Saturday or Sunday. Well..i think I'll come back soon.
Pejaten Shelter

After that we're going out to one of the mall near that place.
Me with Santa
Mega with Snowman..haha :D

Then we had a walk you know just looking around, we're just enjoying Thursday Evening. We had seen random stuff.
This is a ride for kids at the mall.
Huge Sale for Christmas Decoration
Oh.. I like the shoes!

At the end of the day we went out to Roppan. There are some pictures that I took.
They have Cozy Place
Their Napkin :)
Iced Green tea
Matcha Honey Toast

It was very delicious and I enjoy them very much.


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