
Showing posts from August, 2013

Different But We Complete Each Other

A few weeks ago I learned how to play guitar. Thankfully Christa my very good friend patiently taught me how. I like to try everything new. I don't have difficulty memorizing chords, but it's difficult for me to play barre chords. I need a good technique to playing it well. But since it's holiday I stop practising because I don't have guitar, and she is busy. It is fun to learn new things, yesterday I asked my brother to teach me Pencak Silat/Silat(Self Defense Techniques) too. I like it. My friend and my brother are good teachers. I think everyone has their own talents at something. Whole these things remind me some Bible verses. We are definitely different but we can share whatever we have, our talents, time, energy, smile, love. Let's do whatever we can cheerfully and embrace our differences. Never stop improving ourselves.  :-D We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to


I had opportunity to travel to Padang on May 2013. I had a great time there. You can see a beautiful lake, beach, hills, mountain, waterfall, traditional house at one province. Awesome! Maybe you want to visit this place too. :-) A Lake & Rice Fields at Tanjung Raya  The Beach name is Pantai Air Manis which means Sweet Water Beach. Well, I didn't taste the water at that time but I can smell the water was very sweet. That was weird but also amazing.  Hills at Matur  Traditional House (Rumah Gadang/Gadang House) at Padang Panjang Barat  Traditional House (Rumah Gadang/Gadang House) at Padang Panjang Barat  A waterfall on the back, Sorry I blocked the T__T This photo taken at Kayu Tanam  The stone that I touched looks like human, right? there was a legend about this stone. Long time ago there was a boy who traveling so far away and became rich but when he went home to his hometown he feel ashamed of his old mother. So disappointed of