
Showing posts from March, 2015

My Bucket Lists

Run my own bussiness (still don't know yet what kind of bussiness) Being able to swim (I's never too late to learn right?) Be someone's mentor Make a book Learn to Sew, Quilt, Bake, Gardening.

Things I Enjoy To Do

Do you have a hobby or things that you enjoy to do? I have some. Don't you think it's very nice to do the things you enjoy the most, and even better when your hobby could possibly make someone's life a little better. Here are the lists of the things I enjoy to do. I like to make accesories from wire, it's really fun to create a long plain wire into something different like a ring, bracelet, and even a pair of earrings. You can use your imagination and it's always nice to see it when it's done. I collected some postcards, I know for a 24 years old lady this hobby is kind of odd but I really love it! So far I have collected 6 postcards from Czech Republic, Malaysia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, and Romania. I was so excited when the mailman came. One of the women who had received a postcard from me, she told me that the postcard was her favorite that she was looking for that kind of postcard whole her life. Really nice huh?  :-D If you want to get some

Why I Made This Blog

It's been a while since the last time I posting on my blog. I made this blog because I know my life as a human is so short but I don't want to live this world with nothing to give but all of me. I want to share my love, support, and knowledge through this blog. Though I'm still young, I hope what I'm doing here somehow could give you inspiration. Pardon my English, I'm not a native English speaker but I'll try my best. Have a nice day! Love, An :)