Things I Enjoy To Do

Do you have a hobby or things that you enjoy to do? I have some.

Don't you think it's very nice to do the things you enjoy the most, and even better when your hobby could possibly make someone's life a little better.

Here are the lists of the things I enjoy to do.

  • I like to make accesories from wire, it's really fun to create a long plain wire into something different like a ring, bracelet, and even a pair of earrings. You can use your imagination and it's always nice to see it when it's done.
  • I collected some postcards, I know for a 24 years old lady this hobby is kind of odd but I really love it! So far I have collected 6 postcards from Czech Republic, Malaysia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Russia, and Romania. I was so excited when the mailman came. One of the women who had received a postcard from me, she told me that the postcard was her favorite that she was looking for that kind of postcard whole her life. Really nice huh?  :-D If you want to get some postcards and give some, you can do exchange postcards to random people through  Postcrossing . This website is really nice!
  •  I like make-up, I like to create a different look on my face or someone's face. ;-) 
  •  I like to surf on the Internet because It's always nice to read some awesome blogs there. These are some of my favorite blogs  peacefulsinglegirl  and  annawood . They are a wives and a mothers, it's so great to learn things from a women who love God and their family.
  • I like to learn languages, so I can make friends with people from all over the world. In fact I studied Japanese Literature at the university. If you want to make some friends, here is a nice web to start  Interpals.
  • I like to create something from a crochet yarn, I'm still learning thou. My best friend gave me a crochet yarn a few months ago, ever since then I try to make a various style of bracelets from it.
  • I like traveling, so far I've been to Singapore, Bali, and Malaysia. By traveling abroad, you'll be able to learn about the local cultures, customs, and languages. And You also learn more about yourself. I know it's kind of expensive but you do not have to go far. Just do simple things, you can enjoy the birds singing in the morning, smell the blooming flowers, drink a cup of tea. Nothing expensive, just enjoying the moment.


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