
Showing posts from March, 2021

Rewriting My Legacy

It's been 6 years since the last time I wrote my last post. Wuh~  I feel so proud of the young me and I just thought hmm...I was pretty good at giving my point on this blog. Pretty sharp! Well, now I'm a 30 years old female. I feel slightly old. LOL.. Anyway I kind of regret it that I wasn't able to write some posts 6 years ago. I simply forgot that I have a blog and I forgot which e-mail and password that I used to use. Anyway, I'll do my best from now on to write better and share moments here. Let's start with some information update. I am 30 years old now..I have mentioned about it earlier. How it feels like being 30 years old. Alot of things have changed. My body (I used to be pretty, cute, and positive haha just kidding) now I kind of feel like I'm mature, more serious about things, and I gain so much weight.'s still concider average/normal weight based on BMI but my stamina is so much lower these days. And the second update is that I am marrie