Yogya :D

Day 1
First stop was Prambanan Temple. Prambanan is the largest Hindu temple of ancient Java. The three main temples are Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva. Which is the simbols of Hindu Gods Trinity.

That was cassowary pictures, a bird from Papua-Indonesia. Also can be found in Australia.

The next stop was Keraton, where the governor of Yogya lives and he is a member of Javanese royal.
                                                                               The entrance
                                                                             The Governon House

The third stop was Batik Tulis Shop.
    Behind the shop there was a place where they produce batik tulis
    One of the emlpoyees are drawing the pattern

   The Tools/Blocks
    The Tools/Blocks
    The Shop of Batik Tulis
    They sell bags
   These are blankon, Javanese traditional hat only for men
    These are men batik shirts
   These are some batik fabrics

The fourth stop was Parangtritis beach.

This is andong, traditional transportation in Yogya & Solo 

Day 2
We went to Borobudur Temple and some stops(but i only took Borobudur Temple pictures). Along the way to Borobudur temple we could see beautiful views like fields, trees, and  rivers.
                                                                             Coconut & Banana Trees

When in Borobudur area we can choose to ride this because the area was so vast , we only pay for  half dollar.

 My mom on the top of the temple, she made it.  :)

There was a man  playing angklung, Javanese traditional  musical instruments
It was my first time traveled toYogya, it was very amazing and unforgetable. So many things that we can learn, the culture, history, the people are very nice and of course the food. You should try Bakpia, Gudeg, and many more.  :)


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