A Loving Father = JESUS

Yesterday I spent my time surfing the internet and I found these awesome websites. I feel so blessed, I hope you will too!
  1. mikemesserli.blogspot.com 
  2. www.iamsecond.com 
  3. http://www.moodyradio.org/radioplayer.aspx?station=wmbi
For a few weeks I've been feeling so down, I became very moody and irritable because of disappointment with myself. I was struggling and so hopeless, I felt so ashame. Then I started doing crafting etc at first it was ok but I still feel so miserable. Then I prayed..I admit to God that I was so stupid thinking that I can fix it by myself then I found those websites. I feel much much better than before! what the world has offer is not worth than the love that God has given to me.  It's easy to feel that we don't need help and forget that God cares. But He is always faithful, waiting for us to come back to Him. I cried I know He will never forsake me, He is always listening to me, He knows my feelings. We often forgot that He is a good God, a loving father, best friend for those who feel so lonely, and a lover for whoever is hunger for love. I feel whole when I think about Him, I feel accepted . His love is bigger than anything..than any problem or all of our sins. Nothing compare to God's love!

I found such a beautiful song, I really enjoyed it and you can listening to it too, God bless you!  :]

Meredith Andrews-Not For A Moment


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