
Today I went out looking for a book and took some pictures of Jakarta in the afternoon. Today Jakarta was so cloudy and rain for awhile. I saw these postcards at the bookstore and I can't help myself so I bought some postcards too. I have sent 5 postcards to my postcrossing friends, they live in Russia, German, and Taiwan. One postcrosser from German already received my postcard like two weeks ago. I think the rest are just missing on the way. :(

Tomorrow I'm having class and I'm going to teach my junior basic Japanese language. I hope I can teach her well. I teached a high school student before but I teached maths at that time. I like teaching. Maybe I'm gonna be a teacher one day..I don't know yet. Right now I'm just enjoying life. I live..I breath..I do something..I just wanna be usefull. I'm kinda like The more I'm active and do something for others, I feel happy. Share to the world your energy, your dreams, your ideas.Smile..Sing..Dance..Laugh..Love..Live!


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