Learning Bahasa

I think I'm going to write some basic words that will be often to be used.

He/She : Beliau(formal, when you're talking with elderly), Dia (when you're talking with friends/same age)
I           : Saya(formal, when you're talking with elderly), Aku&Gue(when you're talking with friends/same age)
They     : Mereka
We       : Kami
It          : Ini
Father  : Papa/Ayah/Bapak
Mother: Mama/Bunda/Ibu
Sister.brother  : Older sister (kakak/mbak) younger sister/brother (adik)
                      :  Older brother(kakak/abang/mas)
Uncle             : Paman/Om
Aunty            : Bibi/Tante
Grandfather   : Kakek/Mbah
Grandmother : Nenek/Eyang
Grandchildren: Cucu
Dogs             : Anjing/Guguk
Cats              : Kucing
  1. How are you? / Apa kabar?
  2. Where are you going?  / Mau kemana?  
  3. I'm fine / Saya baik
  4. Where's the toilet? / Toilet ada dimana?
  5. I want to go to the museum / Saya mau ke museum
  6. See you / Sampai ketemu lagi
  7. How much is it? / Ini harganya berapa?
  8. Please pass me the bottle / Tolong ambilkan botol itu
  9. What can I do for you? / Ada yang bisa saya bantu?
  10. Please / Tolong
  11. Thank you / Terima kasih
  12. Pardon me / Permisi
  13. I'm sorry / Maaf!
  14. You're so kind / Kamu baik sekali
  15. Do you have a pet? / Apa kamu pelihara binatang?


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