
Showing posts from February, 2013

What Happened Today!

I found my 'postcard'box laying on the ground, wet and broken this morning. What I learned you can't make your 'postcard'box from cardboard even though you did covered it up with a plastic wrap. (like it's obvious) -__-"'s the good news.. I found an eggshell of quail on the second floor of my parents house. It means their home provide protection to those cute birds to live and even having babbies.hehe..  I hope I can see or hear him(or them).   :)

Another inspiring link :)

About two weeks ago I watched on tv an interview about Dina, she is an Indonesian woman who had been traveling with her husband since 2009 and already traveled to 43 countries and still doing it till now. They even sold their house to reach their dreams. They inspired me a lot to travel.  Here is the link . Still along journey, now I'm still saving..saving..saving. Semangat!(spirit!) :D (I will start from Bali this year  ^.~  ) I've been travel to Medan, Yogja, still so many places to explore, maybe I should start from where  I belong..Indonesia.

Valntine's Day, 14 February 2013

Today I went to the bookstore named Gramedia. It's one of the biggest bookstore in Jakarta..okay in Indonesia. It's quiet far from my parents house, it took about an hour(if you're lucky enough)  ;P It was because wherever you go in Jakarta you will stuck with the crowded. Young people here used to say "tua di jalan" it means "getting old on the road" hehehe..  xD Well, I had something that I want to buy was Postcard!! ^.^v (I was looking for a unique postcards but just couldn't find it at the shop near my parents house.) I became a member of   about 3 months but I haven't sent any postcard so this time I managed to force myself to leave the house. Unlike previous holidays, this time I really had no desire to leave the house but I made it anyway. The first step we must send 5 postcards to the five people who had been randomly selected from the website  by clicking "send postcard" option under our p

A Loving Father = JESUS

Yesterday I spent my time surfing the internet and I found these awesome websites. I feel so blessed, I hope you will too! For a few weeks I've been feeling so down, I became very moody and irritable because of disappointment with myself. I was struggling and so hopeless, I felt so ashame. Then I started doing crafting etc at first it was ok but I still feel so miserable. Then I prayed..I admit to God that I was so stupid thinking that I can fix it by myself then I found those websites. I feel much much better than before! what the world has offer is not worth than the love that God has given to me.  It's easy to feel that we don't need help and forget that God cares. But He is always faithful, waiting for us to come back to Him. I cried I know He will never forsake me, He is always listening to me, He knows my feelings. We often forgot that He is a good God, a lo

Another beautiful Links :)

I recently found a website that contains content about how to build a relationships with others as you pursue marriage on the basis of the Bible. I hope this will bless you! This is the other one, this blog is very inspiring me alot about why it is so important to learn how to be a godly woman(mature mentally,emotionally&spiritually)& live for honoring God so one day when I'm gonna marry a godly man(we need to marry someone in the same foundation & the same vision which is to be like Christ). We need to realize that life is not about me/us but God. And to become like Jesus we will be in process. But it's worth it because what we're going to see is such an amazing grace through our marriage life. Yes be a blessing for others is important, often we forgot about it.

Gifts! :D

I just have time now to post these pictures. I received those gifts few months ago from a friend who lives in Czech Republic. He was very generous to gave me all these. I'm hoping that soon and very soon I can visit Czech.