
Showing posts from March, 2013

God in another form

Since two days ago I always see the sunset. But I'm not alone, I have always been accompanied by a sparrow. They perched in front of the neighbor's house antenna. I felt like they are enjoying the sunset with me. I imagine that was God in another form as a sparrows.hehe..

What Is Your Love Language?

I took sometime to take a quiz from  and I found that my top love language are Quality Time and Acts Of Service. It's very common if someone has two love languages. You can try the quiz to get to know yourself better, to know your love language. When you know someone's love language it  will help you to understand them better and treat them right.  :)


Today I went out looking for a book and took some pictures of Jakarta in the afternoon. Today Jakarta was so cloudy and rain for awhile. I saw these postcards at the bookstore and I can't help myself so I bought some postcards too. I have sent 5 postcards to my postcrossing friends, they live in Russia, German, and Taiwan. One postcrosser from German already received my postcard like two weeks ago. I think the rest are just missing on the way. :( Tomorrow I'm having class and I'm going to teach my junior basic Japanese language. I hope I can teach her well. I teached a high school student before but I teached maths at that time. I like teaching. Maybe I'm gonna be a teacher one day..I don't know yet. Right now I'm just enjoying life. I live..I breath..I do something..I just wanna be usefull. I'm kinda like The more I'm active and do something for others, I feel happy. Share to the world your energy, your dreams, your ideas.Smile..Sing..Danc

Have a nice day!

Hi, everyone.. I hope you always have a reason to smile and laugh! Have a nice day! ^o^v

Learning Bahasa

I think I'm going to write some basic words that will be often to be used. He/She : Beliau(formal, when you're talking with elderly), Dia (when you're talking with friends/same age) I           : Saya(formal, when you're talking with elderly), Aku&Gue(when you're talking with friends/same age) They     : Mereka We       : Kami It          : Ini Father  : Papa/Ayah/Bapak Mother: Mama/Bunda/Ibu  : Older sister (kakak/mbak) younger sister/brother (adik)                       :  Older brother(kakak/abang/mas) Uncle             : Paman/Om Aunty            : Bibi/Tante Grandfather   : Kakek/Mbah Grandmother : Nenek/Eyang Grandchildren: Cucu Dogs             : Anjing/Guguk Cats              : Kucing How are you? / Apa kabar? Where are you going?  / Mau kemana?   I'm fine / Saya baik Where's the toilet? / Toilet ada dimana? I want to go to the museum / Saya mau ke museum See you / Sampai ketemu lagi How much is it? / Ini

Have you spent a little time with Jesus today?

Today I was so busy typing from morning to the evening at home. Then when I was in the public transportation to the campus for taking night classes. Suddenly my friend texting and told me there's no class for today. I was like..what?? It felt like all that I have done in vain..and so I decided to go back home. When I got home, I was laying on the floor thinking about what happened today. I realized I was too busy and some bible verses just came into my head. And so I prayed. God is never too busy for us. And why did we acting like "oh..sorry God I have no time for you. I have so many things to do. Can we talk later God, please?" We pushed ourselves so hard, but what we've got? All just vain in the end. I like quality time with Jesus. Do you ever had a bf/gf? or maybe you're having a bf/gf now. You know that want to talk to them and giving your love, spending time together. That's what Jesus feels too. He loves listening to you, talking t

5 cm

I used to share my laptop with my brothers. And sometimes when I'm doing stuff with my laptop they asked a minutes because they wanted to check FB, games, or copy and paste downloads to their cellphones. I remember the other day my little brother asked for a minutes, so I gave my laptop to him and he said "Sis, please give me some space.." I said "..ok" so I moved. Suddenly he laughed and spoke to me " just move 5 cm from my side." then I realized what I was doing and I laughed too. Sometimes I did silly things without realizing it. Sometimes I lose my mind.

For Heaven is Real

I was watching TV and there was a news about a presenter who died in such a young age. He died and left 3 amazing kids and a wife. All his friends said beautiful things about him. And yes he was a believer. One of his friend who was there before his dead told to media, before he died he said "Lord Jesus..please safe me". That made me thinking..noone knows when will you die except God. Yes I don't know when will I die or how. But one thing I know..I wanna be where Jesus is. I do believe heaven is real, I do believe God exists, and for all my life I saw His faithfulness to me, His love to me and so many beautiful wonderful grace He did for me. If  today I can write it on my blog, this is just another grace from Him. I can breath.. I eat delicious food today. God has done a lot for me. What have I done for Him? the truth not so much.. I'm wondering how many people will come to my funeral? Will they say good things about me? Will they miss me? I can see..toda

Grown Up

Everytime I read that words..Grown Up. It makes my skin crawl..well, I know grown up is a good thing. I like the idea of grown means being mature and take 100% responsibility. I can imagine doing whatever I likes..I might will make mistakes but noone to blame but myself. I've always been playing on the safe side..after graduated..I really want to do 100 random things that I've never done. I can see how much my parents wanting me to get 'real job' after  graduated and then marry with someone, having kids ..ah you know what else. But wait..this is my life..(Ok, this is His life) and I have been thinking about this..what I'm gonna do after graduation. I have a lot on my mind. -Traveling Indonesia -Voluntering somewhere in the small village -Being a teacher, teach local kids -Making crafting and help local women to make handycraft -Learning to dance -Making lyric and make someone to sing it -Learning new languages, cultures, customs -Ad

Boaz a man of his word

I just read this  it's beautifully writing. I know that Ruth and Boaz had such a beautiful love story but I didn't realized that Ruth did proposing Boaz and Boaz be the man and taking care of her needs and honor her for her courage. It's open my eyes to read every verses  on the Bible with new understanding.